Four of our students gathered tonight to rehearse their upcoming performance. Here’s a crazy short preview!
Recital Details 2.0
With our show a few weeks away (JANUARY 18 – 3:00 p.m.), I wanted to send more details. Directions to the Deane Center in Wellsboro have been posted on the blog, complete with an image of the building for easy navigation to the Grand Community Room.
10:00 a.m. REHEARSAL
We will all meet at the Deane Center for rehearsal. If you prefer to wear your street clothes, that’s fine, but be sure to pack everything you will need for your formal attire, including your shoes! We will be rehearsing the following in sequence: Curtain Call, Duets/Ensembles, followed by Solos (beginning with the youngest). Once your solos have been played, you are free to break for hair/lunch unless we have determined more duet/ensemble rehearsal is needed with your group.
10:30 a.m. Hair Stylist on duty
Some have expressed an interest in getting a quick updo for the show. If you would like to use our stylist ($10-$15 plus tip), please make that known to me as soon as possible. You may need to come already curled/straightened as desired and you also need to provide me with an idea of what you are hoping to get within the next two weeks. We will be able to accommodate some curling/straitening with our additional volunteer, but time may be of the essence.
12:00 p.m. LUNCH BREAK
For many of you, especially the younger ones, you will be able to break earlier.
PLAN TO RETURN DRESSED BY 1:30 p.m. You may dress at the Deane Center, but please allow time for that.
You will soon be receiving your portrait order form. Please fill it out ahead of time and bring the form, along with your payment, on recital day. Individual portraits will be taken from 1:30 – 2:00 p.m. This year with a new photographer and a new venue, so portraits will be fresh and exciting! Photos will be taken in quick succession, so PLEASE DO NOT BE LATE. Please call my cell if necessary (number above).
2:00 p.m. GROUP PHOTO
PLEASE plan to have each student ready by 2:00 for the group photo which is to be TAKEN promptly at 2:15. If someone is late, it will hold up the group and get in the way of us resetting the room and welcoming our guests.
As is our custom, we will be providing refreshments at intermission for everyone who will be attending. If each family could make an item to share, we will be able to accommodate the 100+? who will be attending. As in years past, it would be nice to have an assortment of sweets, deviled eggs, meat/cheese, vegies, etc. plus a beverage, if possible. I will be providing coffee and water, along with plates, cups and napkins. Please plan on something that’s “finger food” and won’t require silverware.
During the recital program, each student will begin in the back of the room with me. Unless they have something else coming up, they will complete their solos or duet and come to sit with you. Please make sure that your child knows where you are sitting and leave a seat available for them (perhaps near the end of the row). This way, they can enjoy the rest of the program with their family.
DRESS Preferably (but within reason): coat/vest and tie for gentlemen, dresses for ladies and dress shoes for all.
If you have any questions/concerns regarding our rehearsal or recital, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I realize it can sound a bit daunting, especially if this is your first recital.
Directions to the Deane Center
This is a reminder that we had a venue change for our upcoming recital. The Deane Center is located at the Corner of Main Street and Central Avenue in Wellsboro. For those unfamiliar with the area – the Deane Center shares a block with Citizens and Northern Bank and the Native Bagel. Limited parking is available behind the Deane Center and in the bank parking lot (Water/Crafton Streets). Otherwise, you will find both town lots and on street parking. Please remember to feed the meter.
I have provided a map of the Deane Center below so you can navigate your way to the Grand Community Room. Enter the Deane Center on Main Street. You will find the elevator on your right (just past the stores on either side of the lobby). Once you have arrived on the second floor, follow the map below. Turn left off the elevator and immediately left down the hallway.
Deane Center for the Performing Arts
Grand Community Room
104 Main St, Wellsboro, PA 16901
Saturday, January 18, 2014
3:00 p.m. Showtime
Remember: There is no admission fee for our recital. The public is welcome – please invite all your family and friends!
Recital Details 1.0
22nd Annual Recital
FREE ADMISSION – the Public is Welcome!
PLEASE: Tell EVERYONE you know
Saturday, January 18, 2014 – 3:00 p.m.
Deane Center for the Performing Arts
104 Main St, Wellsboro, PA
The following is the student schedule at the Deane Center on the day of the show
- 10:00 a.m. Rehearsal
- By Noon Break for lunch
- 1:30 p.m. Student Portraits –
- 2:00 p.m. Group Portrait
- 2:20 p.m. Chair Setup
- 3:00 p.m. Piano Recital Begins
- 5:00 p.m. Clean up
DRESS Preferably (but within reason) coat/vest and tie for gentlemen, dresses for ladies & dress shoes for all.
REFRESHMENTS Each family is requested to bring something (finger food and a drink) to share for intermission.
Thank you so much for all your support! “Piano Parents” deserve much credit for what their child is able to accomplish. Your encouragement and time are of utmost importance and I thank you for it! As always, let’s give these hard-working students something to look forward to. Our recital is the “World Series” of piano. Who would practice anything without a game once in awhile?
I look forward to our big event with eager anticipation! Thanks again for the privilege of teaching your son/daughter to play.
Venue for our 22nd Annual Piano Recital
We have a venue change!
Deane Center for the Performing Arts
Grand Community Room
104 Main St, Wellsboro, PA 16901
Saturday, January 18, 2014
3:00 p.m. Showtime
More information coming soon.
Candle Sale PRIZES
Thanks to all for your participation!
Recital Countdown Begins!!
- The studio will be CLOSED December 17/18/19 (3 of 4 for 2013)
- The studio will be CLOSED December 24/25/26 (4 of 4 for 2013)
- The studio will be OPEN Dec 31/Jan 1/Jan 2
The concern is that some may not wish to come over the New Years Day holiday. With that in mind – plan ahead now to see if we can make other arrangements for that week. I would be happy to schedule your lesson on Tuesday/Wednesday OR even Thursday should you prefer it to your normal lesson time that week. Spots will be given out on a first come/first serve basis. The other option would be to attend the makeup class that week.
- One Hour Makeup/Performance Classes:
- Monday, November 4 at 4:00 p.m.
- Monday, December 9 at 4:00 p.m.
- Monday, December 30 at 4:00 p.m.
You need not have missed a lesson to attend a Makeup/Performance Class. ALL are encouraged to attend. PLEASE R.S.V.P. for Classes. If there are enough participants to warrant it, we will break the group into smaller classes.
Keep in mind that we are hoping to have duet/ensemble rehearsals throughout November and December. It’s possible to do these at the Performance Classes above if your duet partner is also able to attend. We will also attempt to schedule a few rehearsals during actual lesson time, having partners meet during the other’s lesson time. I’ll be in touch about that.
DUET/ENSEMBLE GOAL: Have piece ready and schedule first practice by early-November. Attempt to schedule at least two more rehearsals before holiday break.
(Yes, I know some of you don’t have your duets yet – we’ll work that out THIS WEEK)
SOLO GOAL: Be recital-ready by the week of December 10/11/12
Earn Your Books!! With Our Candle Fundraiser
I would like to encourage all students to participate, but it is not required. Each candle sold will earn the student $1 toward the purchase price of a brand new book OR toward the same sale prices already offered for in-stock items. These books need not be only for recital songs – but any book or sheet music that the student would like to have. The rest of the money will go toward defraying the cost of our Annual Piano Recital this January.
We plan to start the fund-raiser the week of October 1/2/3 and collect orders and money two weeks later – October 15/16/17. The Candles should be in a few weeks after that and can be picked up during the normal lesson time that week.
Remember: Our in-stock sale items are available now until the close of our Candle Fund Raiser, as shown below. WISH LIST book order forms will be send home with the Fund Raiser Forms at the end of the month. The $1 per candle can be applied to either/both.
It’s Music Time!
At Piano Guild Auditions many years back, the adjudicator was miffed by the fact that, at the time, most of our students played songs merely from their method (lesson) books.
“Books! Books! They need more BOOKS!!!”, she said.
With that little story being told: Recital season is upon us!
Every mid-January we hold our annual recital and it is our hope that we will have something particularly special to play. Each student chooses their own piece(s) and I have an abundant supply.
In Stock Music Book & Sheet Special*
- $4 – 2 Sheets or 1 Book
- $5 – 1 Sheet + 1 Book
- $6 – 3 Sheets or 2 Books
Please seriously consider allowing your child to expand their musical repertoire.
* Regular Prices: Ave $3-4 Sheet; $6-10 Book
If you prefer to order something not in stock, regular prices will apply. But order SOON – Recital wil be here before you know it!
Robert M Sides Celebration Recitals
We have been invited to a new recital program that is being held at the Arnot Mall in 2014. It sounds as if it will be a performance opportunity similar to our own recitals here in Elkland, but with a mix of students from all around the Twin Tiers. Please mark your calendars and we’ll provide more information as it becomes available.
- February 15
- April 12
- June 21
As for our own recital, the date will likely be Saturday, January 18 at 3:00 p.m. More information forthcoming . . .