Our participating students earned a combined total of over $200 in brand new music of their choice. The students also helped to raise money to support our 21st Anniversary Recital this January with complete success. They have collected enough funds to cover many of our show’s expenses, allowing us to open our show to the public with FREE ADMISSION for all who wish to attend.

Congratulations to our top seller, Sophie! 83 Dozen!!
Her family helped to single-handedly earn over $250 for recital expenses, at the same time earning Sophie an incredibly large pile of new books to play.
Grace’s efforts came in second place! 33.5 Dozen!
Her family was able to earn over $100 toward our upcoming recital, as well earning Grace five new books!
We would like to thank the community for their support and would also like to send a little smile to the second shift at HMAC who are going to be crawling the walls on October 23rd after digging into their 166 boxes of cookies!!