The DVD will be available in February, but I need to collect the money within the next two weeks. DVDs can now be ordered as follows:
- 1 for $12
- 2 for $18
- 3 for $24
- 4 for $30
- each add’l, add $6
PIANO GUILD AUDITIONS memorized applications are as follows:
- District – 4 Pieces (4) $27
- State – 7 Pieces (5+2) $29
- National – 10 Pieces (8+2) $31 IE $35
The +2 means that you can substitute Transposition and Sight Reading for a song in those levels. Right now we don’t necessarily have to determine WHAT we are playing, but we do have to determine HOW MANY we are playing. Applications will be going home this week. A copy has also been emailed to you all today.
PIANO SHOWCASE applications will also be going home next week to those students who have already received the copy of Level Two: “Menuet en Rondeau” several months ago.
- Registration is $10.
All DVD orders and event applications must be turned in by the week of Jan 29/30/31, please.