25th Annual Piano Showcase
April 16, 2016
Hosted by: Robert M Sides Family Music Center
Location: Elmira College, Peterson Chapel in Cowles Hall

Students are eligible to participate through their senior year of High School. Each participant will perform two selections from the Celebration Series Perspectives Repertoire books published by Frederick Harris Music (levels 1-10). The first piece is pre-determined for each level. The second piece may be chosen by the participant, but must be from the same level book as the Required Piece. Both selections must be memorized. Participants will receive scores and written feedback from three adjudicators. The participant achieving the highest Outstanding (90-100) average score in each level will receive a trophy. Trophy winners must advance to a higher level in future competitions.
Adjudicators will score each selection on a scale of 60 to 100 and provide written feedback. The average of scores from all three adjudicators will determine trophy and medal winners in each level. The participant achieving the highest Outstanding average score in each level will receive a trophy. In the event of a tie for highest average score for a level, each tied participant will receive a trophy. If no participant receives an Outstanding average score, there will be no trophy winner for the level. Participants achieving an average score of 80 or higher (Excellent or Outstanding) will receive a medal, excluding the trophy winner(s). All participants will receive a certificate of achievement. Trophy winners must advance to a higher level in future competitions.
Outstanding (90-100)
Exceptional performances that are confident and communicative, while demonstrating technical command, insightful awareness of style, and convincing musical interpretation.
Excellent (80-89)
Performances that are musically engaging, show thoughtful preparation, and demonstrate technical security, stylistic understanding, and musical awareness. There is quick recovery from any minor slips or brief lapses.
Good (70-79)
Performances that are generally secure and fluent, indicate careful preparation, and reflect some awareness of style and musical understanding. There may be occasional slips or lapses, with room for further development of technical control and attention to
musical details.
In Progress (60-69)
Performances that exhibit a basic level of preparation. There may be slips or lapses, loss of continuity, unresolved technical issues,
and a lack of attention to musical details.
Based on:
Piano Syllabus, 2015 Edition. Royal Conservatory of Music.